As Through A Veil: Mystical Poetry in Islam

As Through A Veil: Mystical Poetry in Islam by Annemarie Schimmel

Sometimes I call you Cypress, sometime Moon,
and sometimes Muskdeer, fallen in the snare . . .
now tell me, friend, which one do you prefer?
For out of jealousy, I'll hide your name?

       -- 'Ainulqudat Hamadhani

Love is our imam, the heart of the community,
the friend's face, our prayer direction,
and our ritual prayer is never interrupted . . .
We do not speak against anyone's religion.

       -- Yunus Emre

The path that leads to you is clustered up with mosques and temples.
O' Lord! I have heard your call but I can't proceed.
The gurus and the murshids obstruct my way . . .
You are seperated from us by so many barriers--
The Koran, the Puranas, the Muslim and the Hindu prayer beads (tasbih mala):
O' Lord, how tragic is this! cries Mandan in despair.

     -- Bengali poet Mandan