Images of Primordial and Mystic Beauty

Images of Primordial and Mystic Beauty

by Frithjof Schuon

World Wisdom Books, Bloomington, Indiana   © 2003   292 pp.

Who is Frithjof Schuon? And what is in this large book filled with beautiful images? In a carefully written introduction by Michael Pollack, I learn that Frithjof Schuon is a philosopher, a metaphysician, a poet, an artist, and a writer of books about spirituality and religion. He was born in 1908 of German heritage and lived 91 years. He died in 1998. Images of Primordial and Mystic Beauty is a collection of his paintings in color, black and white drawings, and poetry.

American Indian sketch - 4
In the introduction Michael Pollack describes Frithjof Schuon as a “metaphysician who occasionally paints . . . a person who believes that  creating through art and craft is natural to every man, even a necessity. . . a way back to God.”

Schuon has a strong interest in Native Americans from the Southwest and paints his impressions with a delicacy of line and  color (Native American Gallery). I was touched by the respect he gave to his subject, be it in the color and detail of an ornament or the grace of a nude body. There is a timeless quality in it all.
-- reviewed by Barbara Goldberg