Quotes from Celtic Spirituality

Celtic Spirituality (from The Classics of Western Spirituality series)

edited and translated by Oliver Davies

Paulist Press, Mahwah, New Jersey  ©  1999   550 pp.

"Three wishes I ask of the King when I part from my body: May I have nothing to confess, may I have no enemy, may I own nothing."  (p. 263) 
"The voice of the spiritual eagle resounds in the ears of the church. May our external senses grasp its fleeting sounds, and our interior mind penetrate its enduring meaning. This is the voice of the high-flying bird, not the one that flies above the material air or ether or around the whole of the sensible world, but the bird which soars above all theory, on the swift wings of the most profound theology and with the insights of the clearest and most sublime contemplation, passing beyond all that is and all that is not."  -- John Scottus Eriugena    (p. 41)