Why Religion Matters

>Why Religion Matters: The Fate of the Human Spirit in an Age of Disbelief

by Huston Smith

HarperCollins, New York, 2001. 290 pp.

With his inspired and lucid style, the modern master of world religions exposes the cause of our modern global crisis: the modern worldview of scientism which marginalizes the religious dimensions of reality. Smith then makes a passionate plea for the revival of the religious dimension of life -- in individuals, in societies, and in civilizations. With engaging personal experiences and insights drawn from a lifetime of interaction with leading religious, philosophical, and scientific thinkers, Smith illustrates how the tunnel vision of scientism pervades scientific, political, educational, and media sectors of our society to the point that we do not even see our blindness.

Smith sees light at the end of the tunnel, however. His vision for the third millennium is to combine the best of modernism (science) and postmodernism (social justice) with the traditional worldview shared by the world's religions. Like the Center's "Challenge and Response," Smith's book provides us with a clear guide for responding to the challenges of our times based on a deep understanding of why religion matters.>

-- reviewed by Thomas J. McFarlane

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