Meister Eckhart reviews: Wayless Way (DVD) & Complete Mystical Works (book)

Preacher of the Wayless Way: Meister Eckhart (DVD)

a film by Anthony Finnerty

Anthony Finnerty with assistance of the Eckhart Society, United Kingdom    © 2014     15-min.

Preacher of the Wayless Way is a lovely, short introduction to Meister Eckhart. This 15-minute film opens with a quote in German so you hear Eckhart in his lyrical original tongue, then repeated in English:

"The Masters of the spiritual life say that the soul has three powers: The first power always seeks what is sweetest. The second power always seeks what is highest. The third power always seeks what is best. For the soul is so noble, that it can rest nowhere but in her source."

Filmed in the UK and Scotland, the rest of the film uses nature as a backdrop to Eckhart's teachings along with music and Gregorian chant to form a backdrop for quotes from his work. We found the music, visuals, and quotes to be perfectly matched to open and amplify the meanings of each. Beautiful introduction to Meister Eckhart as well as moving for those already familiar with his work. Thank you Ken P. for this gift.

The Complete Works of Meister Eckhart (revised)

Translated by Maurice O'C Walshe, with a new forward by Bernard McGinn

Crossroad Publishing Co, New York, New York       © 2009         640 pp.

The Complete Mystical Works of Meister Eckhart will be most appreciated by those of you with some Eckhart experience, wanting more, and wanting the best, clearest translation. This book came back in print last fall, and Kathy H. most generously purchased and donated a copy.

Eckhart's work falls into three basic categories:  Sermons given in German to his local flock -- monks and nuns in his care, and pious lay groups -- which are considered his most mystical work; several written treatises for his novices; and finally his Latin theological works. The latter are considered the most difficult to understand and were to become his Opus, but remained incomplete at the time of his death.

This volume contains 110 of Eckhart's sermons as well as the four treaties that most scholars trace to him directly.

The quote below is from Sermon Fifty-Six, and also appears in the Preacher of the Wayless Way video:

"I take a bowl of water and put a mirror in it and set it under the disc of the sun. The sun sends forth its light-rays both from the disc and from the sun's depth, yet suffers no diminution. The reflection of the mirror in the sun is a sun, and yet it is what it is. So it is with God. God is in the soul with His nature, with His being and with His Godhead, and yet she is what she is. God becomes when all creatures say 'God' -- then God comes to be." (p. 293)

-- submitted by Jennifer Knight

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