Spiritual Dance and Walk

Spiritual Dance and Walk: An Introduction to the Dances of Universal Peace and Walking Meditations of Samuel L. Lewis 

by Samuel L. Lewis 

International Network for the Dances of Universal Peace, Seattle, Washington   © 1990   141 pp.

Dances of Universal Peace, the subject of this book, are held regularly here in Eugene, Oregon. The few times I have participated I felt they were graceful, collaborative, and peaceful, as they should be. I myself have never gotten beyond the "Oops" stage of trying to perform them.

This book might have helped. It contains chapters written principally by Murshid Samuel L. Lewis, who affirmed that words, thoughts, plans or programs are not peace. "Peace is fundamental to all faiths . . . and must be experienced." -- another universal faith experience coming from Sufi inspiration.

A number of dances are described, together with the accompanying music. Introductory chapters give a rather profound context. Lewis, again, says that dance (he also speaks of walk) brings us to a sense of rhythm and a response to rhythm which is really a response to life, and which makes us more spiritual. It manifests beauty of form and movement and our enjoyment of them. It brings "an initial taste of the state of non-being, which is really a balm for the soul."

This book is recommended for any who wish to use their movement to open their spirituality.

--  reviewed by Wesley Lachman

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