Quote from The Relaxed Mind

The Relaxed Mind: A Seven-Step Program for Deepening Meditation Practice

by Dza Kilung Rinpoche

Shambhala Publications, Boston, Massachusetts    © 2015    144 pp.

The seven-step method outlined by Dza Kilung Rinpoche is a peek at seven practices of Buddhist meditation from concentration and insight through spacious awareness, and finally Dzogchen. There are many tomes on each of these methods, and one could spend a lifetime practicing any one of them. What makes this book different is each is presented in a clear and approachable way, and by giving a taste of each Kilung Rinpoche shows how they can work together in one integrated path.

Quote from The Relaxed Mind:

"Open mind meditation sometimes helps when we get caught up in thinking things should or shouldn't be a certain way. In one case we are anticipating, and in the other we want to avoid something, so we get hope and fear. When we look carefully and ask whether this is nourishing for the nature of the mind, the answer is very clear -- 'not really.' Then why is this happening? Again, it's habit -- we are used to it. We might think this is natural; maybe we are born with it. But the view of the nature of mind from Dharma, from the Buddha's teachings, says nobody is born with this characteristic of hope and fear. But we are all born with the nature of heart-mind and spaciousness."  (p. 85)

-- submitted by Jennifer Knight

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