Quote from The Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey: Joseph Campbell On His Life and Work

by Joseph Campbell, edited by Phil Cousineau, forward by Stuart L. Brown

New World Library, Novato, California      © 2014      304 pp.

"Joseph Campbell was born in New York City on March 26, 1904, the son of Charles and Josephine Campbell. His passion for mythology began when he was a young boy and his father took him and his younger brother, Charlie, to Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show at Madison Square Garden, and to the Museum of Natural History, where he became fascinated with Indian totem poles. By the time he was twelve he was voraciously reading books about American Indians. He soon recognized the parallels between these stories and those of his own Roman Catholic tradition, a discovery that would fire a cross-cultural study in the arcane discipline of mythology for the rest of his life." (p. 4)

—submitted by Jennifer Knight

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