Review: The Transcendent Unity of Religions
The Transcendent Unity of Religions
by Frithjof Schuon
Quest Books, Wheaton, Illinois, 1984. 207 pp.
In this authoritative exposition of the Traditionalist view of religion, Schuon explains and defends its premise that an identical transcendent Truth lies within the esoteric core of all the religious traditions of the world. This Traditionalist view is grounded in two transcendental principles: first, there is an ineffable, Absolute Reality, and second, it is possible to directly Know or Realize this Reality.
Schuon emphasizes that, because the unity among religions is esoteric, it transcends any formulation or expression. Thus, no explicit doctrine can be identified with the Absolute Truth, and each religion's unique form of expression has its own particular value.
Written with his characteristic seriousness and sense of authority, Schuon aims to inspire and clarify rather than entertain.
-- reviewed by Thomas J. McFarlane
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