Review of How to Grow a Lotus Blossom

How to Grow a Lotus Blossom, or How a Zen Buddhist Prepares for Death

by Roshi Jiyu-Kennett

Shasta Abbey, Mount Shasta, California, 1992. 281 pp.

Faced with imminent death from illness, this profound female Zen monk engaged in meditations to clear any remaining hidden blocks. In other words, she chose to prepare for death. Kennett Roshi found herself, in successive meditations, on a journey with many obstacles. Due to her willingness and focus, and attended by her monk assistant, she was guided by visions, and was able to remove all encumbrances. In addition, her physical health returned.

The nature of the visions and her descriptions makes for a dramatic story. The images can be very beautiful, and each step of the process is accompanied by very clear hand-drawn illustrations.

The title of this book can be taken both literally and symbolically. Lotuses grow in muddy water and blossom on the surface in the sun. Her visions taught her more clearly how to train her monks by the symbolic use of the lotus: growing a lotus is also growing a complete monk.

A delightful and entertaining read, as well as inspiring for those not too faint of heart!

— reviewed by Dawn Kurzka

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