Review of A Journey in Ladakh

A Journey in Ladakh

by Andrew Harvey

Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1983. 236 pp.

Journeying in Ladakh in the early 1980’s was an opportunity to experience Tibetan culture in a form not yet very contaminated by the West. Include a travelogue of such a journey Rinpoches, monks and lay followers of Tibetan Buddhism, together with teachings they share. Add some fellow Western travelers with their combined intellectual, open or skeptical perceptions. Quote the discussions that could arise with them and with Tibetans. Follow with one’s personal thought processes and spiritual experiences born from these encounters. Flavor with vivid descriptions of dingy restaurants, butter tea, local festivals, landlords, gardens, hikes, bus trips packed with people, animals, packages, smells and delays. Arrange for it to be written brilliantly. Here you have Andrew Harvey’s present book.

-- reviewed by Dawn Kurzka

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