Quote from The Te of Piglet

The Te of Piglet 

by Benjamin Hoff

The Penguin Group, New York, New York, 1992.    257 pages

When you see beyond “good” and “bad,” you are much better able to recognize and make the most of What’s There. For example, when a Bear overeats a bit and gets stuck in your front door . . . you can use his legs to hang the washing on. And then use the back door.

“That’s Owl in the next room, isn’t it?” I asked. “What’s he talking about now?”

”He wants to apply for a job as a radio announcer,” said Piglet. “He’s practicing on Rabbit.”

”Oh? Let’s go in and see what he has to say. This should be interesting.”

”Ladies and Gentlemen,” Owl was proclaiming. “For a truly Malicious treat—“

”That’s delicious,” corrected Rabbit.

”Hello, Owl,” I said. “Just what product are you trying to sell, anyway?”

”Professor Padbury’s Shredded Oak,” Owl replied.

”Oh. Professor... I beg your pardon—did you say Oats, or Oak?”


”I see. In that case, you had it right the first time. Malicious.”

”And look here, Owl—do you really want to get involved in this business? Promoting products that don’t necessarily do anybody any good, making wild claims, and all that.” (pp. 160-162)

-- quote submitted by Sharry L.

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