Quote from The Yamas & Niyamas

The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice

by Deborah Adele

On~Word Bound Books, Duluth, Minnesota, 2009.        192 pages

The Yamas & Niyamas may be thought of as guidelines, tenets, ethical disciplines, precepts, or restraints and observances. . . In yogic philosophy, these jewels sit as the first two limbs of the 8-fold path. . . (the Yamas or "restraints") include nonviolence, truthfulness, nonstealing, nonexcess, and nonpossessiveness . . . (the Niyamas or "observances") do not limit us from living life, but rather they begin to open life up to us more and more fully, and they flow easily into one another in ways that are practical and easy to grasp. (pp. 15-16)

-- quote submitted by Mona Bronson

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