Quote from Kundalini

Kundalini: The Arousal of the Inner Energy

by Amit Mookerjee

Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont, 1986    112 pages

Liberation while living is considered in Indian life to be the highest experience - a fusion of the individual with the universal. The individual manifestation is like a spark of the cosmos, as the human organism, the microcosm, parallels everything in the macrocosm. The complete drama of the universe is repeated here, in this very body. The whole body with its biological and psychological processes becomes an instrument through which the cosmic power reveals itself. According to tantric principles, all that exists in the universe must also exist in the individual body. If we analyse one human being, we shall be able to analyse the entire universe, because it is believed that all is built on the same plane. The purpose is to search for the whole truth from within, so that one may realize one’s inner self, unfolding the basic reality of the universe.

The point of connection is yoga, for yoga is the ‘way’. . . An important contribution to consciousness-expanding experience is kundalini yoga . . . The object of the tantric practice of kundalini yoga is to awaken cosmic energy and cause it to unite with Siva, the Pure Consciousness pervading the whole universe. (p. 9)
-- quote submitted by Oriana K.H.

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