Quote from The Other in the Light of the One

The Other in the Light of the One: The Universality of the Qur'an and Interfaith Dialogue

by Reba Shah-Kazemi

Islamic Texts Society, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2006   309 pages

What also needs to be stressed, now more than ever, as a counterpoint to the tendency to reduce Islam to the dimensions of a monolithic, political ideology, is the rich diversity within the Islamic faith communities, both past and present. Within ‘Islam’ there is a wide range of cultures, traditions, opinions, and attitudes such as belies any reductive, homogenizing effort to reify the religion; the view of ‘Islam’ as a single, undifferentiated entity is the first step to identifying it with extremist policies, tout court, in order the easier to reject, oppose and vilify it. Such an attitude has aptly been referred to as ‘Islamophobia'. (p. xi)

-- quote submitted by Jack Y.

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