Quote from Native Mesoamerican Spirituality

Native Mesoamerican Spirituality: Ancient Myths, Discourses, Stories, Doctrines, Hymns, Poems from the Aztec, Yucatec, Quiche-Maya and other sacred traditions.

Miguel Leon-Portilla

Paulist Press, New York, 1980. 320 pp.

The Artist

"The artist: disciple, abundant, multiple, restless. The true artist, capable, practicing, skillful, maintains dialogue with his heart, meetings things with his mind.

The true artist draws out all from his heart; works with delight; makes things with calm, with sagacity; dexterously; invents; arranges materials; adorns them; makes them adjust.

The carrion artist works at random; sneers at the people; makes things opaque; brushes across the surface of the face of things; works without care; defrauds people; is a thief."

Love of Truth

"These Toltecs were very religious men, great lovers of truth; they were not liars. Their speech was sincere. They said: --God, older brother.  --God, younger brother.  They said:  --It is true, it is thus, because this is the truth; yes, no."   

page 208

-- submitted by Jennifer Knight

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