Quote from Loving-Kindness in Plain English

Loving-Kindness in Plain English: The Practice of Metta 

by Banter Gunaratana

Wisdom Publications, Somerville, Massachusetts, 2017        142 pages

In the Numerical Discourses of the Buddha (Anguttara Nikaya), the Buddha lists eight ways to cultivate loving-friendliness. He also says, “Monks, when liberating the mind through the practice of loving-friendliness has been pursued, developed, cultivated, made a vehicle and a basis, carried out, consolidated, and properly undertaken, eleven benefits are to be expected.” These eight steps are progressive; they build on one another. We will discuss the eleven benefits in chapter 6.

1. “Associating” through Repetition
When we associate our minds with loving thoughts, we experience profound benefits. Affirm loving-friendliness in your thoughts and deeds, not as a chore, but in a way you truly enjoy. It will become like second nature, and resentments and fears will slowly disappear.

You can practice alone or with a group. If you are alone, speak or chant in a quiet voice. I recommend reciting the Buddha’s Discourse on Loving-Friendliness. Appendix 2 provides “scripts” for four meditations. Because of the powerful, healing effect of the Discourse on Loving-Kindness, in many Asian countries we recite it at births, weddings, housewarmings, mealtimes, morning and evening chanting, when someone is sick, and a host of other times.

Repeat loving thoughts over and over until meta takes hold in your mind. When you practice regularly and a difficult situation arises, metta will be there to help. (pp. 19-20)

-- quote submitted by Matt M.

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