Quote from Being

Being: The Bottom Line

by Nathan Gill

Non-Duality Press, Salisbury, United Kingdom, 2006          116 pages

Oneness, or Being, although indivisible, could be said to have two aspects: awareness and the presently appearing content of awareness. 

The content of awareness is all of the various images that appear: visual images, sensations, sounds, thoughts, feelings, etc. All these images appear presently in awareness, but the thought images appear to offer an added dimension, the capacity for distraction away from or out of presence into the story of ‘me’ as an individual, a distinct entity located in time and space.

The story of ‘me’ is based in thought, and as thought is only part of the whole picture, when the story appears as reality, there is an accompanying sense of lack. Seeking for wholeness is the story of the attempt to fill this sense of lack.

The search for wholeness arises in a myriad of ways, one of which is the search for enlightenment. Here too it is inevitably focused within the personal story, the partial, psychological view of reality, and consequently it can not result in a lasting sense of fulfillment.

Whenever the play of life is not seen from the psychological viewpoint—from the point of view of ‘my‘ story—there is a non-personalized, unfragmented picture free of any sense of lack.

Everything is likely to appear just as it did before, but without the distorted view that makes it ‘mine’. 
 (p. 11)
-- quote submitted by Oriana K-H

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