Quote from The Six Lamps

The Six Lamps: Secret Dzogchen Instructions of the Bon Tradition 

by Jean-Luc Achard

Wisdom Publications, Somerville, Massachusetts, 2017      224 pages

According to traditional accounts, these teachings were first revealed by Tapihritsa to Gyerpung Nangzher Lopo in the eighth century. In the history of the lineage, Tapihritsa is said to have been a disciple of Tsepung Dawn Gyeltsen, the twenty-fourth lineage holder of a line of transmission in which all masters reached Buddhahood in a single lifetime and manifested the Rainbow Body at the end of their life. Having received the complete transmission of his master, Tapihritsa decided to practice the instructions of Dawa Gyeltsen during solitary retreats in the mountains. After nine years of total immersion in the principles of the teachings, Tapihritsa reached Buddhahood and manifested the “Body of the Great Transfer”, a special modality of the Rainbow Body in which the individual does not manifest death in any way whatsoever but gains power over his entire existence and can manifest as he wants, when he wants, and in the form he wants to choose. Reaching Rainbow Body would appear as rather “common” compared to this realization of the Great Transfer, since very few individuals are said to have achieved it. Among them are Drenpa Namkha and Tsewang Rigdzin. (pp. 3-4)

-- quote submitted by Matt M.

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