Quote from Under the Sufi's Cloak: Stories of Abu Sa'id and His Mystical Teachings

Under the Sufi's Cloak: Stories of Abu Sa'id and His Mystical Teachings

Mohammad Ali Jamnia and Mojdeh Bayat

Writers Inc International, Beltsville, Maryland, 1995. 144 pages.

A disciple asked Abu Sa'id, "Where shall we seek Him?" 

Abu Sa'id replied, "Where did you look that you did not find Him?"  -- page 16 

 One day our Master was told that a Sufi master of high spiritual status by the name of Abul Qasem Qoshayri claimed that a seeker can reach God in only two steps. Abu Sa'id said that the seeker can reach God in one step. This was relayed to Abul Qasem who asked how this could be. 

Abu Sa'id's answer was brought back to him, namely: "Between God and His seeker there is only one step and that is the step out of one's self and into the truth." 

Upon hearing this, Abul Qasem applauded the concise and precise way that Abu Sa'id had defined the path.  -- page 20   

Quote submitted by Jennifer Knight

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