Quotes from Echoes of Perennial Wisdom

Echos of Perennial Wisdom: A New Translation with Selected Letters

by Frithjof Schuon

World Wisdom Books, Bloomington, Indiana, 1992       94 pages

Man yearns for happiness because divine Beatitude, which is made of Beauty and Love, is his very substance. (p. 3)

To love God does not mean to cultivate a sentiment -- that is to say, something which we enjoy without knowing whether God enjoys it -- but rather to eliminate from the soul what prevents God from Entering.  (p. 7)

The divine archetype of faith is the "yes" which God says to Himself; it is the Logos which on the one hand mirrors the Divine Infinity, and on the other hand refracts it.  (p. 13)

God does not at the outset ask perfection of us, but He does ask of us its intention, which implies, if it is sincere, the absence of serious imperfections. God asks of us that which He has given us, namely the qualities we bear in our own depths, in our deiform substance; we must "become what He is"; every being is fundamentally Being as such.  (p. 15)

Spiritual realization is theoretically the easiest thing and in practice the most difficult thing there is. It is the easiest because it is enough to think of God. It is the most difficult because human nature is forgetfulness of God.  (p. 20)

--quotes selected by Jennifer K.

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