Quote from Earth, Our Original Monastery (on Earth as original icon)
Earth, Our Original Monastery: CultivatingWonder and Gratitude Through Intimacy with Nature
by Christine Valters Paintner
Icons play a significant role in the Eastern Orthodox Christian tradition. Theologically, icons are considered to be sacred as they offer a doorway to communion between heaven and Earth. Icon writing is rooted in the theology of the Incarnation, with Christ being the icon of God, and the icon forms a visible gospel. Often part of the practice is to kiss the icon to show love and devotion toward Christ. Nature is a holy text for many of us, and then icon is a window to the Divine Presence at work in the world. Creation is therefore the original icon, the primordial place of our encounter with God, the Great Artist, who is continually at work in the world around us. (p. 73)
-- quote submitted by Jennifer K.
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