Quote from Earth, Our Original Monastery (on two scriptures )
Earth, Our Original Monastery: CultivatingWonder and Gratitude Through Intimacy with Nature
by Christine Valters Paintner
The Celtic Christian tradition maintains we received two books of revelation. One is the book of the scripture texts, and the other is the vast book of creation. We need both to receive the fullness of divine wisdom. The ninth-century Irish theologian John Scotus Eriugena, who emphasized the imminence of God, wrote in His Homily on the Prologue to the Gospel of John: "For the divine knowledge cannot be restored in us except for the letters of scripture and the sight of creatures. Learn the words of scripture and understand their meaning in your soul; there you will discover the Word of God."
The words of scripture offer us one kind of insight into God's word, and the physical dimension offers another. God is in all things and is the true essence of all things. One of Eriugena's favorite words is theophany which means "something that reveals the divine nature." For him, the world and all of creation is a theophany. (p. 19)
-- quote submitted by Jennifer K.
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