Quote from Deep Hope
Deep Hope: Zen Guidance for Staying Steadfast When the World Seems Hopeless
by Diane Eshin Rizzetto
Shambhala Publications, Boulder, Colorado, 2019 165 pagesSomething we were withholding made us weak until we found out that it was ourselves we were withholding from our land of living . . .-- Robert Frost, "The Gift Outright"
In the Islamic tradition, it's called zakat. In the Jewish tradition, it's called tzedakah. In Christianity, it's called charity. And within Hinduism and Buddhism, it's called dana. No matter what is is named, the open abundance of the life force is forever giving forth. However, we don't always recognize this, and as a result, we unwittingly seek our sustenance by trying to acquire more from others and give less of ourselves. We contract rather than expand the circle of our hearts and minds.
As is true for all the paramitas, the Paramita of Giving and Receiving is a cyclical transformation. We begin by making an explicit, conscious effort to enact generosity. We make an outward gesture of our deepest capacity toward letting go into openness. At the same time, we look toward receiving, making an effort, perhaps a gesture, that affirms that we receive as well as give. Finally, forming full circle, our receiving turns to thanks as we give forth gratitude. (pp. 16-17)
-- quote submitted by Jennifer K.
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